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Very large doses of this imuran may cause marrow hypoplasia, bleeding, infection, and death, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, mild leukopenia and mild liver impairments.
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pImuran can potentiate the neuromuscular blockade produced by depolarising agents such as succinylcholine and can reduce the blockade produced by non-depolarising agents such as tubocurarineThere is considerable variation in the potency of this interaction./ppLeucopenia and/or thrombocytopenia have been reported in a proportion of neonates whose mothers took azathioprine throughout their pregnanciesExtra care in haematological monitoring is advised during pregnancy./ppPatients receiving immunosuppressantsincluding IMURANare at increased risk of developing lymphoma and other malignanciesparticularly of the skinPhysicians should inform patients of the risk of malignancy with IMURANAs usual for patients with increased risk for skin cancerexposure to sunlight and ultraviolet light should be limited by wearing protective clothing and using a sunscreen with a high protection factor./ppIMURAN is teratogenic in rabbits and mice when given in doses equivalent to the human dose5 mg/kg dailyAbnormalities included skeletal malformations and visceral anomalies11./ppSymptoms of an allergic reaction usually happen within the first few weeks of treatmentThey include:/p

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